Fortron Equipment Treatments
FATFKIT - Automatic Transmission Flush Kit
Fortron Automatic Transmission Service, utilizing the Fully Automatic Transmission Flush Machine, is designed to allow quick and easy exchange of Automatic Transmission Fluid, while providing a fully balanced treatment package to extend the life of the automatic transmission. Features 100% of ATF replaced during service operation. Fast and efficient way of completely exchanging transmission fluid—15-20 minutes per Service. Fully automatic, user friendly, safe and reliable operation. Safe and compatible service kit includes Flush and Conditioning Treatment. Great ‘value add’ service opportunity for Workshop Service Centres. Did You Know Almost 90% of transmission fluid failures are due to dirty and overheated Automatic Transmission Fluid according to the ATRA – Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Association.Regular and complete Automatic Transmission Fluid exchange will ensure fluid remains clean and may prevent expensive premature failure. After Service Benefits Smoother and quieter operation. Safely removes varnish, sludge and oxidized fluids. Optimise transmission efficiency. Prolong transmission life. Please note: this Product has an MOQ/Pack size of 12 See downloads for safety data sheet.
FDIEGRC1 - Diesel Intake & EGR Conditioner 1 Litre
Fortron Induction Cleaner is a safe, water based, non toxic, non corrosive and non flammable fluid which is sprayed into the vehicle’s intake system whilst running theengine. Modern diesel engines produce oil based contamination which deposit carbon in the induction/intake systems of the engine. Vehicles fitted with EGR are particularly affected. No disassembly required The active ingredients lock-on to the soot deposits Safe for DPF’s Please note: this Product has an MOQ/Pack size of 6 See downloads for safety data sheet.
FDPFREST - DPF Restore 1 Litre
DPF Restore is a soap-based treatment designed to breakdown soot and ash particles restoring flow to a particulate filter. Recommended for use when a DPF has become completely blocked and is unable to trigger its own active regeneration. Features Restores flow to completely blocked DPF Improves fuel economy Reduces soot and exhaust gas emissions Maintains higher engine performance Benefits No DPF removal necessary Lower maintenance cost Time and labour savings Please note: this Product has an MOQ/Pack size of 6 See downloads for safety data sheet.
FREGEN - Injector Max DPF Regen
Fortron’s latest innovation in DPF cleaning is simple and rapid, eliminating the need to remove or replace filters. DPF’s have a limited capacity to store particulates, if they become clogged or faulty users may incur huge costs for replacement. Regen has been formulated to kick-start the DPF, clearing soot deposits and cleaning without disassembly. Warning Signs The vehicle has low power High fuel consumption High soot and exhast gas emissions Benefits to the End User Better fuel economy Suitable for all types of diesel including bio-diesel Helps maintain engine performance Reduces soot and exhaust gas emissions Benefits to Garages Cleaning without disassembly of the particulate filter (decreased downtime) Increased profit Better customer satisfaction Please note: this Product has an MOQ/Pack size of 6 See downloads for safety data sheet.
INJDRTG - Injector Max Diesel RTG 600ml
A simple and effective method of cleaning diesel fuel systems without the removal of injectors from the vehicle. Variations in fuel quality, driving conditions and regular maintenance and servicing all affect fuel economy and engine performance. Features Cleans fuel injectors, combustion chambers and throttle body systems. Reduces exhaust emissions. Removes gums, varnish and resin from engine intake system. Improves fuel economy and engine performance. Smoother and more responsive acceleration. Up to 10% reduction in CO2 emissions * only for use with Fortron Injector Max machine Please note: this Product has an MOQ/Pack size of 6 See downloads for safety data sheet.
INJPRTG - Injector Max Petrol RTG 600ml
A simple and effective method of cleaning petrol fuel systems without the removal of injectors from the vehicle. Variations in fuel quality, driving conditions and regular maintenance and servicing all affect fuel economy and engine performance. Features Cleans fuel injectors, combustion chambers and throttle body systems. Reduces exhaust emissions. Removes gums, varnish and resin from engine intake system. Improves fuel economy and engine performance. Smoother and more responsive acceleration. Up to 10% reduction in CO2 emissions * only for use with Fortron Injector Max machine Please note: this Product has an MOQ/Pack size of 6 See downloads for safety data sheet.